By Thilo Graf
One page front cover, 1 page back cover, 1 page SRD, 1 blank page after the front cover and 3 pages of credits. That leaves 26 pages of material.
First, we get 11 pages of beautifully written, evocative descriptions of the region, painting a rough borderland with a nice, dark old-world touch to it. It’s hard to pin down exactly what makes this chapter so atmospheric, but it really draws you in.
After that, we get 2 Appendices.
The first one features the following:
– A new race, the Half-Goblin. Complete with two ready-to-use statblocks, a lore section and all necessary information to use the race. (2 pages)
– A new creature, the shadow wolf. (1 page)
– 3 new (albeit generic) gods (1 page)
– An introduction on how to read statblocks to help novice gamers (1 page)
Appendix 2 features 5 encounters for the road, all with description text, stats and everthing you need to run it. (9 pages)
Production values: The pdf contains a beautiful map of the lonely coast, 7 pieces of beautiful b/w-art and is very well-formatted. I didn’t notice editing glitches, typos or the like. It should also be noted, that the pdf is very printer-friendly: If you don’t print out the largely black front and back covers, you’ll need next to no ink/toner.
Being an introduction to the easy-to-drop-in location of Raging Swan’s modules and supplement, this pdf does a remarkable job of walking the edge between ease of implementation into a given setting and conveying it’s very own atmosphere.
It’s b/w-art is beautiful and something to show off to your players.
Oh yeah, it’s FREE. It’s very hard to beat free stuff, especially if the quality is as high as in this pdf. Go check it out. I’ll get back to reading the other stuff by Raging Swan. My final verdict is 5 stars.