
Cave Evil – First play review

You can do two things in Essen. Well, you can do a lot more than two, but these two are pretty huge. You can either look at the shiny things that the bigger companies come out with, or you can look in the little corners and crevasses to find different, new and difficult to obtain games that you never heard of.

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Thunderstone Advance Play Session Review

First, a confession. I am late to the Thunderstone party. I played Thunderstone at the Games Expo last year and was very impressed. It was a quick and easy game to play with plenty of depth. Since then I kept meaning to pick a copy up but it didn’t happen. There have been a couple of base sets and several expansions, however this latest base set looks to clear up a lot of rules questions and advance the rules further, so it’s ideal time to crash the Thunderstone party.

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Wererats of the Roach Run Sewers

This pdf from Raging Swan Press is 34 pages long, 1 page front cover, 1 page blank inside front cover, 2 pages editorial/ToC (including the rhyme/stanza almost ever RSP-product comes with –awesome!), 1 page to help novice DMs read the statblocks, 1 page SRD, 1 page advertisement and 1 page back cover, leaving 26 pages for the wererat-installment of the TRIBES-series, so let’s take a look at what we’ll get!

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