Raging Swan Press releases Random Marsh Encounters

RME_frontThis week, Raging Swan Press is proud to announce the release of Random Marsh Encounters a Pathfinder Roleplaying Game compatible GM’s RESOURCE by David Posener.

Got barely enough time to prepare the module? Want to include cool, evocative random encounters in your games, but just don’t have the time to prepare them? Bored of pointless random encounters comprising bands of generic monsters that only seem to exist to attack wandering PCs? Then Random Marsh Encounters is for you!

Presenting eight ready-to-use random encounters ranging in EL from 2 – 8 (and 16 stat blocks ranging from CR 1/2 – 8 ) all suitable for use in any marshland or swamp, Random Marsh Encounters takes the pressure off the time-crunched GM, enabling him to concentrate on crafting cool, evocative adventures!

Encounters include:

  • Chanamas: Frog Prince…Of Darkness (EL 7): A polymorphed bone devil leads his gullible lizardfolk acolytes through the marsh in search of new recruits for his burgeoning kingdom.
  • Events Come To A Head (EL 5): A band of kobold raiders with a bag of (regenerating) troll heads prove a surprising encounter!
  • Forlorn Mother (EL 7): A distraught mother begs the PCs for aid in tracking down the evil crone Hassani who has just stolen her newborn child!
  • Gnawing Father (EL 3): In a terrible rage, Tranek (husband of the Forlorn Mother) hacks his way through the swamp in search of his child. Woe betide any who get in his way for he is very hungry…
  • Knightly Apparitions (EL 8 ): On an ancient battlefield lurk invisible, malicious and evil creatures that feed on the terror of those unfortunate enough to stumble into their lair.
  • Resolute Crone (EL 8 ): A sodden camp in the depths of the swamp is home to the crone Hassani and her many children.
  • Serpentine Sage (EL 6): The hydra diviner Chalos enjoys speaking with travellers…if he can resist the urge to eat them!
  • Wanderer (EL 2): Bral, Warden of the Marsh, wanders his home, keeping it safe from those who would do it ill.

You can download a sample and check out the Contents here.

And don’t forget, Random Marsh Encounters is a Dual Format PDF and is included in Raging Swan’s Free PDFs promotion. It also comes with an additional PDF presenting all the product’s stat blocks so the GM can easily add the featured NPCs to his stat block library.

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