Iain Lowson, the creator of Dark Harvest: The Legacy of Frankenstein, has announced today that the downloads page has been updated with new and free material.
First up are the two Map Packs of Promethea. These are brand new as of the 1st of July. (Please note, the map download is for personal use only. It may not be printed and sold on for your personal financial gain. We know YOU wouldn’t but, hey, there are some real cretins out there. You know how it is.)
Secondly, the PDF of the Character Sheets, to save you bending your book into weird shapes to get it to fit on the scanner. Again, personal use only please. Don’t make us pout. You wouldn’t like us when we’re pouting.
For our third download, Steve Ironside has prepared a digest of the most significant question and answer sessions we’ve had about the rules since the game launched. This will be updated periodically. Here is the current DHLoF-Questions. (Uploaded 29th July, 2012)
The fourth download also comes from Steve Ironside. We’ve had a few requests for a quickplay guide for folks who want to have a quick look at a stripped down version of the system, or for folks running a convention game. Well, here is the DHLoF-Quickplay as a downloadable PDF. It’s like Christmas in July!! (First uploaded 29th July, 2012)
To get these maps and find out more about the game and upcoming products, visit the Dark Harvest website.