Article–Reflections on D&D novels
By Paco Garcia Jaen A while ago I had a conversation with my mate Neal Freeman about D&D novels. Although […]
By Paco Garcia Jaen A while ago I had a conversation with my mate Neal Freeman about D&D novels. Although […]
Before I start, I just have to say, I love me some Blood Bowl! I’ve been a fan since I was a teenager and still have the same set that I bought back then. I’m going to show my age a little here, but not in old way and say I just missed out on the kick ass foam board, and had to settle for card. This didn’t stop me and my high school wargaming group buying three teams each and running so many leagues we actually had promotions and relegations, with knock-out championships and a lucrative transfer market, even though we could only get together to play on weekends.
Iain Lowson, the creator of Dark Harvest: The Legacy of Frankenstein, has announced today that the downloads page has been
Dark Harvest: The Legacy of Frankenstein free maps Read Post »
Dr. Frankenstein has got it right. He has found the secret to combine body parts successfully and create life. The Creature is born. The Creature becomes the Creature and despises his creator. His creator becomes immortal. He also becomes the king of Promethea. Oh, and he screws things up. Very, very badly, so the country is kind of a Yemen + North Korea type of regime where you can get chopped to pieces and reassembled for no reason. And it is pretty hopeless.
Dark Harvest: The Legacy of Frankenstein–Resistance Read Post »
This pdf from Dreadfox Gamesis 37 pages long, 1 page front cover, 1 page editorial, 1 page SRD, leaving 34 pages of content chock-full of new necromancy-spells, so let’s take a look at them!
By Paco Garcia Jaen If you have read my articles in the past, you know that I am a massive
So why write anything about RPG’s? Maybe this question isn’t very easy to answer. After all everyone has an opinion, everyone had a system they champion and everyone has fun playing at what they are playing. So then why does it matter?
The Tribe of One trilogy was written by Simon Hawke for the original Dark Sun setting in the early 90’s. I don’t think they’ve been reprinted since, so these are “very old” books already that you can find for just a few pence in your favourite online retailer. Like the Dark Sun setting, these books have been forgotten for a long time, which is a shame.
Welcome to the first episode of 2012! Delaying this episode a few days has paid off big time! The announcement
Press release by Iain Lowson Dragonmeet 2011 has been and gone, and many were the revelations! During the event, held