Call of Cthulhu has been pivotal to the development of the RPG world.
Yes, you can argue that as much as you like, but you’d be wrong to say otherwise.
Since it came out over thirty years ago, it’s six editions have seen improvements and some of the best written adventures ever. There are an incredible amount of websites and blogs dedicated to the game and, thanks to the prolific mind of Lovecraft and the follower writers who still are captivated by the Mythos universe, no shortage of fantastic literature out there to keep us going.
Now Chaosium is bringing out the seventh edition of this game, much to some people’s surprise, scepticism and many other emotions too raw to mention in a post such as this.
To help answer a few questions, and no doubt spark some others, please find here the seminar given at Dragonmeet about this forthcoming edition that will no doubt have a lot of us salivating and sitting at the edge of our gming chairs until we get our hands on it.
Whenever that might be.