
The G*M*S Magazine Podcast: Episode 35 – Boardgames with Nevemore Games and Chicken Caesar

Theme can be a very important issue for some people. If the theme of a game doesn’t sound interesting, plenty of people will simply ignore the game and spend their money in something that is more interesting at first glance. Of course that doesn’t mean the game will be any better, but still appearances are important and one has to be discerning and careful spending money.

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Star Fluxx card game

You see, I’d never played the original game Fluxx from the good folks from Looney Labs and I assume that I am one of the few gamers out there for whom Fluxx never came to my attention. There is certainly mixed opinion about the Fluxx games system which has spawned a number of variations on the core theme. It seems that a lot of “serious” gamers who don’t like randomness in their games don’t like it. But there is clearly a following of fans as well.

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Test of Fire: Bull Run 1861

Now I will state up front that I’m not a huge fan of many Martin Wallace games as for the most part they are too “EuroGamey” for me. It’s a game style preference issue, nothing to do with the quality of his games. But I certainly bow to his obvious creativity and talent in board game design without question and interestingly, when I interviewed him at this year’s UK Expo, I found out that he is a long time war gamer.

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