Welcome back to the G*M*S Magazine Podcast. This episode is all about boardgames and boardgamers with two excellent interviews.
First of all your two dedicated co-hosts, Paco Garcia and Mark Rivera, bring you some interesting information about recently played games, like Yomi and Dragon Rage. In fact, Mark has a pretty exciting announcement to make at the end of the show that involves goblins of a very specific colour…
For our first interview we have the amazing (and rather mental) guys from Albe Pavo, an Italian company with games that feature equal measures of weirdness, laughter and quality. Mark discusses with them their forthcoming release, Sake and Samurai and, trust me on this one, you want to know about that game!
We also review a couple of games for you, beloved listener/reader. Push and Target Earth. You’ll hear about Push in the podcast (I’m sure you don’t want to read everything right away, do you?) but I’ll tell you a bit about Target Earth. Produced by GenX Games, Target Earth is a Sci-Fi themed game in which the players can play cooperatively to defeat the invading alien forces. Complex mechanics, fantastic theme. But will it play well?
We have a second interview with a talented animator for Pixar and all-round good guy called Chris Chua. In this episode we’ve focused on the life of a gamer, rather than someone from the gaming industry, and I am sure you’ll find out that he is just as interesting as anyone you can think of.
We’re sure you’ll enjoy this episode as much a we enjoyed recording it.
Remember you can always contact us via email on podcast@gmsmagazine.com
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