
The G*M*S Magazine Podcast Episode 102–I Am Zombie with Mark Rein-Hagen

It is no secret that I like zombies. If they were real, I’d pet them. However, even I must admit that in the last few years they’ve been done to death and even the latest TV series based on successful comic books use them as a means to study human relationships and introspection, not as a credible enemy unless they’re for opportunistic plot advancement.

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The G*M*S Magazine Podcast Episode 87–Zombie House Blitz

Plenty of people think that zombies are done to death, and considering that zombies are walking dead, it kind of fits nicely.

What I think people mean though, is that too many games with a zombie theme have been published to date. I guess that means that for someone to want to come out with yet another Kickstarter project for a game wit a zombie theme is, to say the least, brave.

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Zombicide review

Zombicide is one of those products about zombies (hence the name) that came out recently and it takes the theme of survival and makes a game out of it. It also came out of Kickstarter, successfully funded and thank goodness for that!

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Little Dead Riding Hood Review

Ahh… the adorable, ever so vulnerable and hunter/lumberjack dependent Little Red Riding Hood… Such sweetness and cuteness, huh?

Well no. In this game she’s pretty tough and the zombie werewolves are in more trouble than they can imagine. I will admit to one thing: I bought this game because it has zombies in it. Pure and simple. I love zombies, even if they come in the unlikely shape of werewolves.

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Outlive Outdead review

Zombies have held a fascination for me for a very, very long time. Maybe it’s because they represent a future even darker and more unpleasant than death. The notion of being reduced to a husk only motivated by hunger and unable to rest in peace while attempting to eat other people alive is a pretty horrific one. Maybe it is because is the only survivable apocalypse scenario I can think of. Or maybe is because zombies are, let’s face it, the easiest to kill of all. Unless they’re fast, but we all know that fast zombies are impossible. They just can’t happen.

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Zombie Survival–The Board Game Review

Have you ever noticed what life has become in the digital age, where many of us don’t know our neighbors’ names, and the use of text messaging is valued above actual conversation? Much of human interaction is now done through a machine interface, taking away a bit of humanity each time your crackberries and IPhones chime notifying you that you’ve got a new message.

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