
RPG Killers

It came to me recently that generally, when we play an RPG, we have no problem killing anything that threatens us. Organic or not, aberration or natural creature, extraplanar or our very own kin. If we jump on a fight in a game, we’re able to kill our enemy without even blinking an eyelid in contemplation or remorse.


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The G*M*S Magazine Podcast Episode 102–I Am Zombie with Mark Rein-Hagen

It is no secret that I like zombies. If they were real, I’d pet them. However, even I must admit that in the last few years they’ve been done to death and even the latest TV series based on successful comic books use them as a means to study human relationships and introspection, not as a credible enemy unless they’re for opportunistic plot advancement.

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Challenge Your RPG Fun!

So why write anything about RPG’s? Maybe this question isn’t very easy to answer. After all everyone has an opinion, everyone had a system they champion and everyone has fun playing at what they are playing. So then why does it matter?

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Annalise: Stories of Pain, Hunger and Redemption

I met Nathan D. Paoletta in 2011 when I was living in Chicago. We shared a few beers and I had a peak at his insightful thinking and his wits. Sharp, I can tell you! Later on I proceeded to back his Kickstarter project and I was really pleased I did. But that’s for another review. So when I found, literally by chance, Annalise when I visited Conception 2012, I just had to have it. And I haven’t regretted it!

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Designers & Dragons

When I heard about Designers & Dragons from Mongoose, I downloaded it right away. I started to read it and after a while I had to stop. I just couldn’t continue. I had to go and buy the paper version of the book. My fascination with role playing games has increased by understanding the politics and history behind them.

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A World of Difference

Too often, game masters design their worlds around “the basics”. Elves inhabit the woods; dwarves live in the mountains. While this may have worked well for Tolkien, it has simply been done to death. Oh, it can be nice at first, because everyone can easily figure their background, but eventually it gets dull. Why not start out with a new beginning?

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