
House Rules for Games

Are you one who believes in playing the game the way the rules tell you to play it every time, or . . . are you willing to mess with the written rules to get a game that is more fun with just a few tweaks and changes? You know what kind of guy I am. If I were always willing to go along with the original rules, Tunnels and Trolls would never have been created.

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Mice and Mystics

We all love a fairy-tale, right? Especially since we all know that those sanitized, kiddie versions Mum and Dad told us when we were little aren’t the real deal – we’re much too sophisticated for those, yeah? I mean the proper ones, the old-school versions, the ones with all the violence and pain and incest left in. Well, how’d you like to be the one experiencing the sharp end of all that nastiness, or indeed dishing it out? Here’s your chance brave traveller, if you’re sitting comfortably then I’ll begin to tell you a tale of daring and courage, of sorrow and remembrance, of Mice and Mystics.

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