
Kuro review: Part two, character creation

Welcome back everyone to the next thrilling installment of my review of the wonderful little game Kuro, brought to you by the fine fellows Cubicle 7 Entertainment. I left you last time with a taste of what the world was – Japanese horror mixed with cyberpunk – and how it was presented to you by the book. Following straight on from there we get to character generation, so I thought I would give it a shot myself.

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The G*M*S Magazine Podcast – Spiel 2012 part 1

For the second year in a row we’ve made our business to travel to Essen and interview some of the most interesting and innovative games and game designers. And also the most passionate people about boardgames and the boardgames industry.

The interviews you’ll hear are from the DVD, but without images. The DVDs with all the interviews will be available very soon. As soon as all the IndieGoGo campaign backers get their copies, it’ll be available to purchase to everyone else. And worry not, we’ll let all know!

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Thunderstone Heart of Doom

It’s been almost a year since I started playing Thunderstone with my review of Dragonspire. Since then I’ve bought and played every expansion and promo with the sole exception of the 2nd promo (‘Cause it’s outta stock). Heart of Doom will close out the series and with a little creative re-jigging of my Dragonspire box, it will also fill my box with only enough room for a couple more promos.

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