
Review: Sunrise City

Sunrise City is another game from the guys at Clever Mojo Games. After the overwhelming success of Alien Frontier in Kickstarter and beyond, they decided to try a repeat. They repeated. Once more, with more success. A lot more success.

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Tommy’s Take on Savage Suzerain

Savage Suzerain is a dimension-hopping Savage Setting by Savage Mojo, and it’s darn pretty…but then, most books graphically designed by Aaron Acevedo seem to be. I previously reviewed the very impressive Shangai Vampocalypse, using the free version of Savage Suzerain as my guide. That sparked me to pick up the full version.

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Alien Frontier Review

The premise of Alien Frontiers is that two to four players are all vying to colonize a planet for their own evil designs, using resources and orbital stations to produce the colonies to be built in eight geographical regions of varying strategic value. Using a fleet of ships, which are represented by D6 dice, you can claim docking ports on each orbital station to use the stations’ abilities to both further your cause as well as deny your opponents the opportunity to use the station that you’ve chosen.

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