To say that I am a fan of Alien Frontiers is a bit of an understatement. I have been playing that game since the second run and it comes onto my table more often than any other game.
So when the Factions Kickstarter came up, I just had to back it. More friends to share the game has to be a good thing, right?
Well, in this video I will show you if backing the project was worth the money from the production value point of view.
This is the blurb from the Clever Mojo Games site:
Almost from the beginning, a steadily increasing number of avid Alien Frontiers players have been asking for an expansion. One of our chief play testers, Randall Bart, asked for permission to create an expansion called “Outer Belt” and, while Randall worked on his concept, Tory Niemann, AF’s original designer, started work on an expansion of his own called “Factions”. Outer Belt is still in design and testing, but Factions has passed the initial hurtles and is zooming ahead. Mark Maxwell and Karim Chakroun are back for the art and graphic design and Panda is on board for the printing, so you know that AF:F will be a quality product.