
Challenge Your RPG Fun!

So why write anything about RPG’s? Maybe this question isn’t very easy to answer. After all everyone has an opinion, everyone had a system they champion and everyone has fun playing at what they are playing. So then why does it matter?

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The G*M*S Magazine Podcast: Episode 35 – Boardgames with Nevemore Games and Chicken Caesar

Theme can be a very important issue for some people. If the theme of a game doesn’t sound interesting, plenty of people will simply ignore the game and spend their money in something that is more interesting at first glance. Of course that doesn’t mean the game will be any better, but still appearances are important and one has to be discerning and careful spending money.

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Wedding Knight

The introduction to this adventure provides an apposite reminder: in a game in which dynasties and bloodlines and the good of your House feature large, weddings are going to be very important events indeed.

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