Tag: mark rein-hagen

Roleplaying and board games reviews, podcasts, videos and interviews

Mark Rein-Hagen and the Vampire The Masquerade controversy

Mark Rein-Hagen and Vampire TM V5 controversy

Even before Mark Rein-Hagen re-joined White Wolf to work on the fifth edition of Vampire The Masquerade, the game was plagued with controversy. In the last few months, Mark Rein-Hagen has seen his fair share of vitriol online. Participating in a game that has raised so many issues within the RPG community, being outspoken about…
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The G*M*S Magazine Podcast Episode 102–I Am Zombie with Mark Rein-Hagen

It is no secret that I like zombies. If they were real, I’d pet them. However, even I must admit that in the last few years they’ve been done to death and even the latest TV series based on successful comic books use them as a means to study human relationships and introspection, not as a credible enemy unless they’re for opportunistic plot advancement.