Video Interviews Spiel 2013 Episode 2

essen2013By Paco Garcia Jaen

The second episode with the interviews from Spiel 2013, this time we’ve packed a bit more in the episode with eight interviews. Behold!

  1. Greater than Games: Little I can say about Sentinels of the Multiverse that hasn’t been said already, but that’s not the case with Christopher Badell. As the inventor and designer of the game, he does have a great deal more to say about it, and I was only so happy to listen to him!
  2. Fable Smith has been a great surprise this year with Ortus. I interviewed him for the podcast, we reviewed the game for the Boardgame Review Room podcast show and I couldn’t miss the chance to say hello in person to one of the designers with the most interesting background story out there!
  3. E-raptor has been another of those discoveries in 2013. They create products you don’t realise you need until you use them. Then you don’t want to be without. Ever!
  4. Mage Company has been in my radar for a long time, so I had to pop by and find out how Wrong Chemistry was coming along and how 12 Realms has come to fruition after a very successful Kickstarter campaign!
  5. Like a Phoenix that never truly died, Wotan game is coming back from the ashes of an unforgiving past with redoubled resolve and redoubled games. I talked to Julian Musgrave about Camelot, his return to the game publishing arena and the future of the company.
  6. Card games are not just for the table. They are also for the tablet and Faeria is a gorgeous looking card game that should be seeing the light of Kickstarter very soon indeed. Curious as always, I wanted to find out who was behind the lovely graphics and busy booth.
  7. Jamoma Games is a one man band with a game called Suburban Dispute that promises a lot. Gangsters and Chicago in a game is a good recipe for good fun and I had the feeling this game could deliver just that, so I spoke to the designer to find out!
  8. Z-Man Games… I won’t say anything about them because… c’mon… because Z-Man games!


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