Video Interviews Spiel 2013 Episode 1

essen2013By Paco Garcia Jaen

The first of a number of episodes with the interviews we recorded at Spiel 2013. In this episode, we have interviews with:

  • Dan Yarrington: Owner of Game Salute, Dan is a man who’s learned a thing or two about games and games publishing and one of the people who has taken best advantage of Kickstarter. But not everything Game Salute is all about is Kickstarter, as you’ll soon enough find out!
  • Frank DiLorezo: Behind R+R Games, a company that packed a massive amount of gaming in a small booth with some really neat ideas, including how to play with stones!
  • Wolf: Eggertspiele was mega busy pretty much every single time we popped by and, as you’ll discover in this interview, with very goo reason. Rococo looked great!
  • Czech Board Games: This is an organisation some people should take good note of. In a country with limited resources, people come together to ask for advice, show the games and ask fro help. When they see a good game, they produce it and sell it! Another side to crowd funding!
  • Goty Games: DUCO has been a game that I liked since the very beginning when I saw the pre-production copy of the game. I liked enough that I bought three copies so I cangive them away to my nieces for Christmas. Hope this interview will give you an idea why I liked it so much!
  • Ludonaute: One of my favourite companies *ever*, they have been producing some stunning games for a while now. This Spiel they released SOS Titanic and Lewis & Clarke. And they’ve done it again… they look amazing! I caught up with Anne Cecile Lefebvre, one of the owners of the company, and Cédrick Chaboussit, the designer of the lovely game!
  • NSKN Games came to my attention with Warriors & Traders, a heavy game that’s currently being looked into and getting a second edition. They also came out with Exodus: Proxima Centauri, a science-fiction game that, after another remake, has got even better and much easier to store than ever before. And it seems they have some more interesting games coming out very soon!


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