The G*M*S Magazine Podcast; Episode 10

untold_logo_white_bkg_330x250It is with great pleasure that I bring you, dear readers and listeners, the first G*M*S Magazine RPG Podcast.

Yes, you read correctly: The RPG Podcast!

From now on, Mark and I are doubling our efforts and will be producing twice the content, twice the information and twice the fun (and is jolly hard work, I can tell you!).

In this episode we have two interviews and a review.

card_fan_2To start with there is an interview with Brandon Hollingsworth, co-creator, part-time genius and full-time nice guy behind Untold, a very interesting and rather fun card based RPG. We talk about its origins, the mechanics, thinking behind the game and why is such a fun product.

It makes only sense that we review that game, since we’ve interviewed the author, wouldn’t you say? Well, we do say, so we did. Mark and I talk about presentation, rules, playing, fun factor… Everything you wanted to know. And probably more.

rpgnowlogo_sizedAnd the icing on the cake comes in the shame of the second interview. No less than Sean Patrick Fannon, a man made of awesomeness and one of the multi talented brains behind websites like RPGNow and DrivethroughRPG.

As well as an amazing wealth of knowledge (that explains the success of his enterprise), he is tremendous fun to listen to and a wise man to boot. I can’t imagine anyone not liking this man!

AND! we answer YOUR questions about RPGs!

Oh yes! You want to know it, and we want to tell you. So we’re going out of our way to find out the replies to your questions and get you out of the darkness, and into the RPG light (we’re cool like that!). This time we cover time travel in RPGs.

So there you go. Hope you enjoy the podcast and we very much look forward to hearing or reading your feedback and hearing what you have to say.

Until next time!

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