
Little Dead Riding Hood Review

Ahh… the adorable, ever so vulnerable and hunter/lumberjack dependent Little Red Riding Hood… Such sweetness and cuteness, huh?

Well no. In this game she’s pretty tough and the zombie werewolves are in more trouble than they can imagine. I will admit to one thing: I bought this game because it has zombies in it. Pure and simple. I love zombies, even if they come in the unlikely shape of werewolves.

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Monsters Unleashed V.2

This pdf from Purple Duck Games is 16 pages long, 1 page front cover, 1 page editorial, 3 1/3 pages of SRD and 1 page featuring tokens of the critters, leaving 9 2/3 pages of content for the new beasties, so how are these beasties going to plague our PCs?

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A Kiss of Death

A 500 years old mummy has been discovered in an old crypt in the mountains near the town. The mummy is the body of a 18 year old princess, once sacrificed to the gods in an attempt to save the civilization from destruction. The princess was sacrificed against her will, and had to be forced to death.

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