
Kaidan–The Curse of the Golden Spear II

The second part of the three-part Japanese horror saga set in Kaidan from Rite Publishing, “Dim Spirit” clocks in at a whopping 64 pages, 1 page front cover, 1 page list of contributors, 1 page editorial, 1 page ToC, 1 page back cover, 6 pages of advertisement and 2 pages SRD, leaving 51 pages for the second part of the epic, so let’s check out whether it stands up to the excellent quality we had in the first part!

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Curse of the Golden Spear 1 – The Gift

For centuries Kaidan has been isolated from the world. Now, at long last, by Imperial decree, its ports are open to gaijin sailors and merchants. You come to Kaidan, escorting a merchant and the gift he carries, a gift meant for a powerful Kaidanese lord. But Kaidan is cursed and once within its borders you may find that not even death will release you from the Islands’ powerful grip. Do you have what it takes to survive the Curse of the Golden Spear?

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