
Ascending Empires

As pretty much everyone knows by now, I love most dexterity games, but even more than that, I truly love science fiction. Even more than that, I truly love 4X conquest games, so when I heard about Ascending Empires, it immediately folded space into the forefront of games I wanted to buy.

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Target Earth Review

After my last experience with a GenX game, Luna Llena, I was desperate to like this game. As a Spaniard, I am keen to see good products coming out of my country. After playing Dos de Mayo and Total Rumble, I know for a fact that GenX can produce terrific games, so my hopes were very high.

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How Do I Describe My Hobby?

It’s a hard thing to describe. Well, it’s hard to describe in such a way that does it justice, that will get across how good it is without actually sitting someone down and letting them play. This may be drastic, and not everyone may agree, but I believe that roleplaying games are one of the best forms of entertainment you could partake in, ever. It’s a bold statement so I will try to back it up.

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Triune – Gamemaster’s Edition

Triune is a new Role-Playing game by Happy Bishop Games. This game can be termed futuristic, realistic fantasy. In this game religion has been outlawed, gates have been opened to two new universes that mankind has named ‘Heaven’ and ‘Hell’. It is the player characters responsibility to enforce the newly established rules and regulations concerning these two universes and our own interaction with them.

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