
Bard’s Tales II

The aim of the Bard’s Tales-series is to provide your Bards with in-game fluff to tell and thus, no game mechanics are given, but rather we are presented with stories, chants and limericks. I gave the first Bard’s Tales a severe beating, so let’s take a look how the sequel holds up, shall we?

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This pdf is 23 pages long, 1 page front cover, 1 page blank inside of front page, 1 page editorial, 2 pages titles, 1 page SRD (also containing reprinted info on the Antipaladin), 1 page ToC (also containing 3 demonic patrons) and 1 page back cover, leaving 15 pages for the Antipaladins.

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Figurines of Wondrous Power

This PLAYER’S RESOURCE contains detailed write-ups of all nine versions of this iconic wondrous item including full stat blocks for all the animals they represent. Designed to easily fit into your character’s folder, each figurine of wondrous power entry contains all the information you need to quickly and easily get the most out of these iconic magic items.

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