
Outlive Outdead review

Zombies have held a fascination for me for a very, very long time. Maybe it’s because they represent a future even darker and more unpleasant than death. The notion of being reduced to a husk only motivated by hunger and unable to rest in peace while attempting to eat other people alive is a pretty horrific one. Maybe it is because is the only survivable apocalypse scenario I can think of. Or maybe is because zombies are, let’s face it, the easiest to kill of all. Unless they’re fast, but we all know that fast zombies are impossible. They just can’t happen.

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The Barn

I wonder if you are still here. I wonder if you are still hiding behind a stack of hay trying to catch me by surprise and throw a bunch of reeds over my head.

I’m hoping you still think of the times when we used to set the traps for the rats, to stop them from nesting and infesting the whole place, ruining the crop that we so hard worked to harvest that year. Your way with cats is something I don’t have and they don’t hunt rats like they did when you were here.

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