
The Sunken City

Herein is presented an unusual and atmospheric place to explore. As usual, 0one Games’s technical ability shines with especial mention due to the ‘water’ overlay, showing what you’d see of this sunken city from above the water – anyone who’s gone diving or even snorkelled will appreciate how different things look from above and below water!

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Terrible Sharp Sword

Terrible Sharp Sword is the latest supplement for Sharp Practice, covering the American Civil War with a complete list of rule amendments that allow you to recreate this heroic and desperate struggle on the tabletop.

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Aliens: This Time is War

My interest was first piqued when I came across the game on the Geek by accident. The creator is clearly a huge fan of the film(s), and after a peek at the rules file and some of the sample cards in the images section I took the plunge. When the cards arrived from ArtsCow I was pleasantly surprised. It was the first time I have used the service, and I was unsure what to expect in terms of quality. Each card is well printed, with only a few fuzzy edges, and all the information you need to use is clearly printed.

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Julius Caesar

My reviews will not focus on the rules of the game. There are better reviewers on that format than I could ever contribute. The purpose behind my reviews is to highlight one, and only one, overriding aspect of any game: fun. That’s it. As a big kid at heart, I play games in order to have a good time. In the end, all I really care about is if I’m going to want to play the thing again, and will anyone else. Hence, I’ve chosen five areas to highlight that are all aspects of the game’s funness. Examined from this paradigm, these are all aspects that I believe should be enjoyed during the whole experience of playing board games.
All right already, enough philosophizing, on with the review…

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