Tag: marketing

Roleplaying and board games reviews, podcasts, videos and interviews

how to manage freelancer

RPG Publishing Ep.20: How to manage freelancers

You have to know how to manage freelancers when you hire them to create content for your RPG. They are going to be the people you rely on to supply a lot of the material you need to get your book published and making sure they deliver is one hard thing to do. How you…
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Article – D&Diversity. A pinch of genius!

By Paco Garcia Jaen I think Wizards of the Coast had a  pinch of genius moment when they included the diversity paragraph in the new edition of D&D. Pure genius! I don’t know if it was accidental or if it was a calculated risk, but my goodness it’s paying off! Why do I say this?…
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The G*M*S Magazine Podcast episode 114–Marketing with Rabid Fanboy

I keep saying (and probably will for a long while) that Role Playing publishing companies (and gaming companies in general) are pretty bad at marketing. Sorry, but it’s true. There are no long-term campaigns, no creativity and very little lateral thinking thrown into the promotion and sales of games. Kickstarter is helping a lot since,…
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Please take advantage of me!

By Paco Garcia Jaen I have been doing my website and the podcast for a year and a half now. In this time, nearly hundreds of articles, pieces of news, reviews, adventures and podcasts have been published. All and all, I am very happy with how the website is progressing, and I am happy that…
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Research Review: Article Investigating Factors That Impact Appeal of Board Games

By Jeremiah Dwyer

This is a review of an article published in the Journal of Consumer Marketing (2007). It is entitled, “An inquiry into the factors that impact on consumer appreciation of a board game.” It was authored by Alain d’Astous and Karine Gagnon, both of Montreal, Canada. Normally I review articles that have more direct relevance to psychology, specifically clinical or forensic (which I post on my blog). However, I also have an interest in blogging about other things (when I blog at all!), and that includes games. I figured I’d see what kind of research was out there about board games, rather than the usual things, such as examining whether video games lead to violence. Thus, one literature search later, I was able to identify a few articles addressing various aspects of board games that I thought might be interesting, including this one. However, this article is much more of a business analysis of board games and board game preferences, rather than a straight examination of the psychology of board games, so to the extent my understanding of particular business terms and concepts is lacking, I apologize.