Tag: level 99

Roleplaying and board games reviews, podcasts, videos and interviews

Podcast Eposide – The Board Game review Room: Pixel Tactics

Pixel Tactics was released by one of my favourite companies, Level 99 a while ago to great success, but not enough because Level 99 deserve a lot of success. They have consistently released good quality games of a variety of styles and genres, including Roleplaying Games, card games and iPad games. Pixel Tactics is a…
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Podcast episode – The Board Game Interview Room: Argent: The Consortium by Level 99 Games

Level 99 has been a company I’ve been very keen on since I learned about Brad Talton some three years ago. I backed their Kickstarter project for Mystic Empyrean and since they’ve had a whole load of projects that have been successful, which is pretty good!