
Letter from Innsmouth–We are here

She has told me I should write a letter to myself. But there is no “myself” anymore. It’s “us” now. It’s been us for a long time and we don’t want to hide it anymore. We understand each other better than anyone else. We know us. The real us, not the me that I’ve put up for the world to like me. So we’ll write to you instead because writing to myself is stupid. We already know about me. About us!

Letter from Innsmouth–We are here Read Post »

Letter from Innsmouth. Nana

Hello Dear,

I am so sorry I haven’t been in touch for so long. The nice people at the institution where I live said they didn’t have any pens left, which is very strange because how do they write then? And I know they do because I have seen her coming into my room with notepads but not with pens.

I don’t know dear, I’m just a silly old woman, so what do I know?

Letter from Innsmouth. Nana Read Post »

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