Tag: episode

Roleplaying and board games reviews, podcasts, videos and interviews

Podcast Episode – The RPG Room: Why are games so repetitive?

I will not say it is a fact, but it is a fact that a lot of games are very repetitive. Either the theme is repetitive, the tropes are a repetition of another game. Basically, there are too many elves out there now. And too many Cthulhus and mutants. In this episode, Jim and I…
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Podcast Episode – The RPG Room: Games that are bad for the industry

What RPGs are bad for the industry? Are there any games you wish hadn’t come out? Both in Europe and in the USA, we have had some games that have hurt the industry, and some others that are hurting the industry and the hobby as a whole. Some games have helped contribute to the stigma…
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Podcast Episode – The RPG Room: Why play, hey?

Why play RPGs? Why spend hours reading books and preparing for games? Why belong to a community that is both so hostile and welcoming at the same time? Believe it or not it is a question I ask myself very often. Why bother with a hobby in which a dissenting voice is shut down instead…
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Podcast Episode – The RPG Room: On cultural appropriation in games

The topic of cultural appropriation is a hot one in Social Justice circles. But is it a justified outcry when someone uses another’s culture to create games, costumes or anything else? It is a matter of fact that cultures evolve both by themselves – traditions that become canon in time or ones that die, fashion…
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Podcast Episode – The RPG Room: Culture and Social advocacy in RPGs

A few days ago Jim and I talked for a while about culture in games. How they are not well used or even created in most games and we touched on some of the social aspects of cultures and how to translate them into gaming. Also how to convert real cultures into gaming cultures. After…
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