The G*M*S Magazine Podcast–Spiel Episode 3
By Paco Garcia Jaen Once again more interviews from Spiel. This time there are 7 interviews with both big and […]
By Paco Garcia Jaen Once again more interviews from Spiel. This time there are 7 interviews with both big and […]
By Paco Garcia Jaen During the UK Games Expo I was fortunate enough to play a round of Smash Up
Cubicle 7 Entertainment, an award-winning publisher of role-playing games including Doctor Who: Adventures in Time and Space and The One
Cubicle 7 Entertainment and Treefrog games announce the Doctor Who card game Read Post »
First, a confession. I am late to the Thunderstone party. I played Thunderstone at the Games Expo last year and was very impressed. It was a quick and easy game to play with plenty of depth. Since then I kept meaning to pick a copy up but it didn’t happen. There have been a couple of base sets and several expansions, however this latest base set looks to clear up a lot of rules questions and advance the rules further, so it’s ideal time to crash the Thunderstone party.
It’s been almost a year since I started playing Thunderstone with my review of Dragonspire. Since then I’ve bought and played every expansion and promo with the sole exception of the 2nd promo (‘Cause it’s outta stock). Heart of Doom will close out the series and with a little creative re-jigging of my Dragonspire box, it will also fill my box with only enough room for a couple more promos.
The basic idea is that the Ninja player(s) sneak into a castle, avoid, outwit, kill, guards, complete 2 secret missions and “get out of dodge”. I loved the sound of this very sneaky game and having played other AEGquality games, couldn’t wait to get stuck in.
By Thilo Graf This pdf from Adamant Entertainment is 41 pages long, 1 page front cover, 1 page editorial, 1
This adventure from Adamant Entertainment is 28 pages long, 1 page front cover, 1 page editorial, 1 page SRD, 1 page back cover, leaving 24 pages of adventure, so what’s up with this Freeport adventure?
Ever fancied taking on the role of an intrepid treasure-hunter, dodging the deadly traps and escaping with untold riches? Welcome to the world of the Adventurers, the Pyramid of Horus.
I met with Todd Rowland during GenCon 2011, at the AEG “Game Night” event, to talk to him a bit about what AEG was up to of late, and after he gave me the skinny about their awesome 2011 line-up he offered me a copy of Ninja: Legend of the Scorpion Clan (Ninja) for review.
Ninja: Legend of the Scorpion Clan – "All Warfare Is Based On Deception" Read Post »