
Fell Beasts: Volume I

This pdf from Adamant Entertainment is 22 pages long, 1 page front cover, 1 page SRD, 1 page editorial, 1 page advertisement, leaving 18 pages for the monsters, so let’s check them out!

First of all, I do know that this book has been published in the very beginning of PFRPG and thus suffers from some problems of the first publications for any system. I picked this along the other books up at a fire-sale and thus didn’t pay full price. The 3 fell beasts-files have since been lying around on my HD and I only recently unearthed them. So, how well has this book aged? Let’s take a look at the critters:

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The Temple of the Chained Demon

The author of this adventure is unknown. If you know him/her (or if indeed you are he/she), please do contact us. A campaign for 1-3 4th-8th level characters, 1 a wizard (an NPC mage will do). This is a two-quest campaign. The first quest involves rescuing a princess from a tower controlled by an evil wizard, the second quest involves reaching a certain temple before the wizard’s brother can free the Demon locked inside of it.

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A Kiss of Death

A 500 years old mummy has been discovered in an old crypt in the mountains near the town. The mummy is the body of a 18 year old princess, once sacrificed to the gods in an attempt to save the civilization from destruction. The princess was sacrificed against her will, and had to be forced to death.

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