Tag: D&D

Roleplaying and board games reviews, podcasts, videos and interviews

Dungeons & Dragons 4E Virtual Table

By Paco Garcia Jaen The Dungeons & Dragons Virtual Table as been coming for a long time and now that’s in Beta version we can show you what is capable of. This video is a screen capture of a demo combat I had with Rory Madden, from Game Table Online, the creators of the D&D…
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Dungeons & Dragons Monster Vault Unboxing video.

Thanks to the work of Brian R. James, Matt James, Sterling Hershey, and Steve Townshend, Monster Vault: Threats to the Nentir Vale comes packed with information on the vale and its inhabitants.

The D&D Business; Or The Impossible Art of Trying to Make Everyone Happy

One of my most admired RPG writers and players of all time is Monte Cook. Monte’s understanding of setting, intrigue, balance and the relationship with the player is pretty amazing. His ability to actually come up with new ideas that can be brought to fruition is also pretty staggering.

Why RPGs aren’t mainstream anymore.

For the last few days I have been reading the excellent Designers & Dragons from Mongoose Publishing. If you haven’t read my review on that book yet, please do read it. I mention there all the reasons you need to want to have this book on your shelves.

The Haunting of Larvik Island

For centuries the legendary exploits of the mighty warlord Larvik have inspired storytellers and adventurers. Despite his glory, Larvik’s fortunes were lost in the war between his sons following his death. What remains is a dangerous island that bears his name and the legend of its treasure accessible only once every 35 years.