
Stealing Cthulhu review

Stealing Cthulhu is a compendium or ideas, tutorials, adventure seeds and overall challenges to the way that Lovecraft based role playing games are written. From the very beginning, the author explores tons of ways of getting away from the “there is a cult, investigators find cult, cult wants to awaken a Great Old One, investigators try to stop them” formula.

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Designers & Dragons

When I heard about Designers & Dragons from Mongoose, I downloaded it right away. I started to read it and after a while I had to stop. I just couldn’t continue. I had to go and buy the paper version of the book. My fascination with role playing games has increased by understanding the politics and history behind them.

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Elder Sign App review

Let me say this loud and clear. I like Elder Sign. I have played that game a lot of times, both alone and with friends and I like the simple mechanics, the chance of dice, the artwork, the limited cooperation between players… I like the game a lot. Thus when I heard the app was out, I took my shiny iPad and bought it right away.

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Elder Sign review

It doesn’t matter if it wants to destroy everything around him and the world around us and basically enslave us. We love Cthulhu. I think it’s the eyes. For that reason I love Arkham Horror, I like the Cthulhu card game and I even like Mansions of Madness with its flaky mechanics and rather silly adventures. Yes, it is sometimes about the atmosphere than it is about the game.

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