
The G*M*S Magazine Podcast: Episode 35 – Boardgames with Nevemore Games and Chicken Caesar

Theme can be a very important issue for some people. If the theme of a game doesn’t sound interesting, plenty of people will simply ignore the game and spend their money in something that is more interesting at first glance. Of course that doesn’t mean the game will be any better, but still appearances are important and one has to be discerning and careful spending money.

The G*M*S Magazine Podcast: Episode 35 – Boardgames with Nevemore Games and Chicken Caesar Read Post »

Review – Julius Caesar

As a long-time war gamer, I have been very remiss. I’ve never really played block war games. I guess I just never found them appealing but I couldn’t tell you why to be honest. So its about dang time I discovered whether I’m missing anything don’t you think?

Review – Julius Caesar Read Post »

Julius Caesar

My reviews will not focus on the rules of the game. There are better reviewers on that format than I could ever contribute. The purpose behind my reviews is to highlight one, and only one, overriding aspect of any game: fun. That’s it. As a big kid at heart, I play games in order to have a good time. In the end, all I really care about is if I’m going to want to play the thing again, and will anyone else. Hence, I’ve chosen five areas to highlight that are all aspects of the game’s funness. Examined from this paradigm, these are all aspects that I believe should be enjoyed during the whole experience of playing board games.
All right already, enough philosophizing, on with the review…

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