
Letter from Innsmouth. Nana

Hello Dear,

I am so sorry I haven’t been in touch for so long. The nice people at the institution where I live said they didn’t have any pens left, which is very strange because how do they write then? And I know they do because I have seen her coming into my room with notepads but not with pens.

I don’t know dear, I’m just a silly old woman, so what do I know?

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Blood Bowl Team Manager

Before I start, I just have to say, I love me some Blood Bowl! I’ve been a fan since I was a teenager and still have the same set that I bought back then. I’m going to show my age a little here, but not in old way and say I just missed out on the kick ass foam board, and had to settle for card. This didn’t stop me and my high school wargaming group buying three teams each and running so many leagues we actually had promotions and relegations, with knock-out championships and a lucrative transfer market, even though we could only get together to play on weekends.

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Elder Sign review

It doesn’t matter if it wants to destroy everything around him and the world around us and basically enslave us. We love Cthulhu. I think it’s the eyes. For that reason I love Arkham Horror, I like the Cthulhu card game and I even like Mansions of Madness with its flaky mechanics and rather silly adventures. Yes, it is sometimes about the atmosphere than it is about the game.

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Sid Meier’s Civilization

Sid Meier has been heralded as “the father of computer gaming”. Developing games since the early 1980′s, Sid Meier is best known for his work on the turn-based strategy simulation of epic proportions: Civilization. Other works include Pirates!, Railroad Tycoon, and my personal favourite, Alpha Centauri.

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Trail of Cthulhu

Lovecraft based games have been around for over two decades now. The first Role Playing Game came out in the 80’s and many editions of the game have graced our shelves ever since. From the initial percentile based based system that still stands, to the Monte Cook version of the game that attempted a D20 system conversion with not terribly good results and now, the Gumshoe System that rules Trail of Cthulhu, and it does it admirably.

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