From now the output is official, Takenoko will come out for the Essen festival, the 20th of October. This new game by Antoine Bauza and realised in partnership with Hazgaard will delight the whole family with its coloured and charming graphic.
A long time ago, at the Japanese Imperial court, the Chinese Emperor offered a Giant Panda bear, symbol of peace to the Japanese Emperor. Since then, the Japanese Emperor entrust his court members (the players) with the difficult task to take care of the animal by setting up his bamboo garden
From 2 to 4 players, the participants will have to cultivate the land plot, irrigate them and grow one of the three species of bamboo (green, yellow and pink) with the help of the Imperial gardener. The best player will be congratulated by the Japanese Emperor himself.
For more information, keep an eye on Matagot’s website. This will be a great game!