By Thilo Graf
This map comes in several pdfs: One for the upper Inn, one for the lower Inn. Furthermore, we get versions of the map in both letter and A4-formats (for Europeans like yours truly), as well as MACOSX-compatible versions, 4 jpegs of the map and map-tool files.
Lower Inn:
This pdf is 39 pages long, 1 page front cover, 1 page how-to-use.
First, we get a one-page full-colour version of the map, then we get inflated versions of the maps in both grey-scale and colour, each taking up 17 pages. It should be noted that the bookmarks for greyscale and color have been switched in the A4-pdf, a minor mistake that is absent in the letter-format.
Upper Inn:
This pdf is 39 pages long, 1 page front cover, 1 page how-to-use.
First, we get a one-page full-color version of the map, then we get inflated versions of the maps in both grey-sacle and color, each taking up 17 pages.
This is straightforward: The maps are a beauty to behold, you actually get two of them, support for map tool, both American and European formats for the maps – this file is a win. Due to the minor bookmark-error in the European version, I’ll rate this beautiful package 4.5 stars.
Fantastic Maps – Sand Dragon Inn is available from: