Dized, an app to learn how to play boardgames

Dized is an app to learn how to play boardgames I have known about for a while now. It attempts to solve a problem boardgames have: learn how to play them in a simple and quick way.

Plenty of people try with videos and tutorials, but the fact is that there isn’t an easy or accessible way to teach how to play games. With so many different types of games, that is just normal.

Dized, though, wants to teach you how to play boardgames. The easy way. Which is pretty hard.

But what does it mean when you have a complex game with 20 or 28 pages of rules text and a few dozen rules with a number of exceptions? It means people will find it harder to learn your game. That is as simple as that.

Dized tries to get over that with an app where rules can be customised and taught with graphics and animations to illustrate every step.

For a boardgame, that can mean the difference between selling a few copies and selling a ton of copies.

Of course, that is a lot more easily said than done. Teaching is never an easy thing to do.

This is something a lot of companies should keep an eye on very carefully. If this app and this company manages to create a tool that can teach rules efficiently, it could be the start of a trend that could help places like board game cafes, games stores and similar places entice more people to play more games more often.

But does it offer enough to board game designer and publishers?

I got together with Jouni Jussila, co-founder of the company, to ask him a few questions and try to find out what this app will get to do for game publishers.

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