Video Unboxing: Dragon Kings

world_book2Dragon Kings was funded in Kickstarter in 2013 with a fairly unrealistic delivery date and the promise of a lot; rulebook, CD with music inspired in the setting, PDFs, posters, more rule books for different systems…

But I backed it anyway because the setting sounded fantastic and the artists they had recruited to do some illustration and cartography are second to none. In fact the map of Khitus is absolutely breath-taking.

Dragon Kings also sold itself as the spiritual successor of Dark Sun, one of my favourite settings for Dungeons & Dragons since it was published in 1994, so regardless of everything I would have bought it.

Now, one year late, I have the setting book in my hands, the music CD in my library, the MP3s in my phone and the posters on my wall, so I am happy I got what I paid for. Almost.

The fact is that at the time of publishing this video I haven’t got the Pathfinder or Savage World rules supplement and there’s not been an update on the project since February 2015.

So, with all those issues and the fact the typography is not great (should have made more of an issue of that in the video) is it worth getting this book?

Well, yes. Very, very much so.

And in the video I tell you why!

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