TweetRPGlogo_Blue[1]This October 2012, Twitter fans had better brace themselves as Tweet RPG launches WWII-themed adventure Kontamination, set in the Lovecraft-inspired world of Achtung! Cthulhu.

Tweet RPG is a new way of enjoying role-playing adventures, using one of the most popular online social networks. Through bite-sized story updates and simple daily Tweet votes, players from all across the world work together to shape the hero’s destiny. All you need to join in the fun is a Twitter account and an imagination!

This collaboration between British RPG publisher Modiphius and Tweet RPG brings the terrifying World War II setting of Achtung! Cthulhu into your Twitter feeds. You’ll be playing as a band of German intelligence agents within the ranks of Panzer Brigade 150, a special force tasked with causing chaos and confusion behind the Allied lines in North Belgium during the famous ‘Battle of The Bulge’ in 1944. Your mission is to find out why Hitler’s shadowy ‘Black Sun’ occult group are involved in this operation – will you discover the horrifying truth in time? Expect thrills, intrigue, and the unfettered hell of war, as you traverse the war-torn snow-shrouded forests of the Ardennes.

Kontamination will also be released as a PDF & print adventure supplement for Acthung! Cthulhu, a major series of officially licensed releases for the popular Call of Cthulhu, Savage Worlds / Realms of Cthulhu, and Trail of Cthulhu roleplaying systems. Achtung! Cthulhu drops gamers into the position of characters on both sides of World War II, caught up in terrifying events as the ancient horror Cthulhu seeks to use the madness and chaos of war to further his own malignant goals.

Want to play Kontaminaton on Twitter? All you have to do is follow @tw33t_rpg, find the latest story update, then send a Tweet to vote for your favourite option – simple! The winning choice takes the story onwards. There are also opportunities for individual players to shape the story alone, dice-rolling gameplay elements to add risk and danger, and extended articles to flesh out the narrative. Find out more at, and follow @Axis_BlackSun and @Allies_SectionD on Twitter to get exciting story hints and clues!

To receive alerts for when the game is about to start and to learn how to get further involved, sign up now by ‘liking’ Modiphius on Facebook – and following @tw33t_rpg on Twitter –

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