The G*M*S Magazine Podcast Episode 63–Spiel report and Chronicles of Skin

spiel-2012I couldn’t help myself! Should have waited for Dr Reddy to be around, but I had to give you my report on Spiel 2012.

The show was quite amazing this year. Children were on holidays so, unlike other years, they were able to attend the show before Saturday. This made the first two days a lot busier than they’d normally be. Usually they are a lot quieter and Saturday goes mental with number of people.

Although it was predicted that Saturday would be quieter, it was only another proof that predicting the future is far from an exact science. It was properly busy!

And it was very busy with lots of companies showcasing their wares and new releases. From the totally unknown to the mega huge, they were all only so eager and pleased to see the crowds and demoing their games to anyone and everyone. Truly exciting and fun times!

Chronicles-of-SkinBut I can’t have a podcast without an interview and in this one I give you Sebastian Hickey, one of the creators of Chronicles of Skin a RPG and storytelling boardgame hybrid in which the players create stories and sketch it on a piece of paper called the Skin and it is card based.

Soon we’ll have another episode ready and we’ll talk a lot more about Essen. And soon after the interviews will start to come along to keep the excitement of the show going!

Meanwhile, as always, we’re more than happy to receive your feedback and to do so you can email us on or leave a voice message by clicking the tab to the side!

Look forward to hearing from you and hope you enjoy the show!

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