Tag: bruce

Roleplaying and board games reviews, podcasts, videos and interviews

Spinner of Lies review

Spinner of Lies is reading proof of this. The second book featuring the adventures of Demascus and friends in the Forgotten Realms is very, very gripping. And epic. It’s also getting very epic.

Complexity in classes and balance in game

The different versions of Dungeons & Dragons have all dealt differently with the way classes are equipped for the roles they are meant to play in the game.

The Nomad: A Tribe of One Book 3

The Tribe of One trilogy was written by Simon Hawke for the original Dark Sun setting in the early 90’s. I don’t think they’ve been reprinted since, so these are “very old” books already that you can find for just a few pence in your favourite online retailer. Like the Dark Sun setting, these books have been forgotten for a long time, which is a shame.

The G*M*S Magazine Podcast #12 is out!

Today we have a very special co-host guest! Rather than the usual Mark Rivera to aid Paco Garcia-Jaen in his endeavours; author Sarah Newton has jumped on the wagon to bring you the news from GenCon you never knew you wanted to hear!

Sword of the Gods

By Paco Garcia Jaen I don’t think many times I have read a book that has left me with so many mixed feelings about it, and most of them being good feelings. Let’s go in parts. The plot. Demascus has woken up in the middle of a pile of corpses. He can’t remember anything. How…
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