The G*M*S Magazine Podcast Episode 90–Lakeside Games with Len Pimentel

59ccd219b6d5516d69bf1840eb133de3Role Playing Games publishers come and go all the time. To the point that it is very difficult to keep up with the influx of new titles and the companies behind them.

This means that grabbing my attention is certainly not easy, but when you grab my attention… well, you’ve got it!

That is what Len Pimentel did before he created his company Lakeside Games with the idea of bringing new ideas and new games into the RPG scene.

Hughesville-HighWith an emphasis on short preparation time and quick gameplay that leaves plenty of room for the players and GMs to play the game the way they want to, rather than the way they’re “meant” to.

With Hughesville High now out, this is your chance to play in the decade that needs a lot of taking the mickey of. The 80’s!

But don’t take it from me. Listen to the interview and make up your mind!

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Look forward to hearing from you and hope you enjoy the show!


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