Critters Paper Miniatures Released

dislogo[1] More Critters Paper Miniatures Released by Precis Intermedia

Precis Intermedia’s latest critters set in the ENnie Award-nominated Disposable Heroes(R) line of paper miniatures is now available… Critters 3: Familiars adds 30 common animals that are perfect as wizards’ familiars or mundane use. Available as either a Statix or Customizable Download.

Customizable Disposable Heroes are full color, downloadable paper miniatures that can be customized through an online interface. Specify which figures are downloaded to a PDF file, as well as whether or not they are labeled and/or numbered. In addition, entire pages of duplicate figures can be downloaded, making the creation of armies a breeze. Each set is available as A-Frame Stand-ups, Tri-Fold Stand-ups, and Flat Counters. When printed, the minis are sharp and detailed (black & white figures can also be downloaded for those with older non-color printers). Settings can also be saved for later quick-download or printing to order in full-color.

Statix Disposable Heroes consist of beautifully-illustrated, ready-to-print paper miniatures in the same three formats as customizable sets but as a single, convenient download. And for those who go through armies, Statix sets give you just that–a filled sheet of each figure in each of the three formats, as well as numbering to keep track of duplicates. And if that weren’t enough, each set is done in BOTH colour and black & white. In fact, each Statix set is assembled as a single, ready-to-use download via the same online system that powers the Customizable version.

Incorporating one of the first e-publishing RPG companies, Precis Intermedia is known for its diverse line-up of clear and concise games. Precis Intermedia’s current game lines include the ENnie Award-winning Ancient Odysseys for fantasy gaming; Two-Fisted Tales for thrilling pulp action; Brutes, New World Disorder, Warcosm, and A Fistfull of Miniatures for miniatures gaming; HardNova 2, Coyote Trail, EarthAD 2, Mean Streets, and Ghostories for low-cost, ready-to-play entertainment; Active Exploits Diceless for universal diceless roleplaying with that familiar ‘dice’ feel; Story Engine for scene and adjective-based, collaborative roleplaying; and more. Visit the Precis Intermedia web site at for more information.

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