5 Second Rule unboxing video
I was sent this game by University Games and I must say I wasn’t all the keen to have it, but after unboxing it, I kind of changed my mind and now I am looking forward to playing it!
I was sent this game by University Games and I must say I wasn’t all the keen to have it, but after unboxing it, I kind of changed my mind and now I am looking forward to playing it!
Kickstarter has produced a lot of good stuff recently an the guys of Indie Boards and Cards have done extremely well with Flash Point: Fire Rescue.
This is the unboxing video of this amazing game, and I do hope it’ll give you all the reasons you need to buy it right away!
This is the unboxing video of a really interesting and gorgeous looking game that should make a lot of music fans very happy. Marco Valtriani and Paolo Vallerga bring a story of Ragnarok and music to the board and it looks amazing! I could tell you a lot of things about this game, but I rather let you see the video!
By Paco Garcia Jaen This is the video of the unboxing of A La Carte, from Karl-Heinz Schmiel, which is