Jiangshi: Blood in the Banquet Hall is a tabletop role-playing game about Chinese immigrants to North America managing a family restaurant while battling Jiangshi, legendary hopping vampires.
The game was designed by Banana Chan and Sen-Foong Lim, who are both Chinese immigrants. It was published independently in 2021 after a Kickstarter campaign raised over US$100,000.
The instructions focus heavily on authentic portrayals of Chinese history and immigrant experiences. The default scenario takes place in San Francisco’s Chinatown during the 1920s, but the game box comes with a book of scenarios by a variety of writers offering more adventures in different cities and historical periods.
The game’s tone can range from serious to comedy horror. Themes include fighting racism, exploring intergenerational knowledge and relationships, coping with economic hardship, and working together as a family.
Get it from DriveThruRPG: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/338940/Jiangshi-Blood-in-the-Banquet-Hall-Print-and-Play-BUNDLE?term=Jiangshi%3A+Blood+in+the+Banquet?affiliate_id=318686
Find out more on Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jiangshi:_Blood_in_the_Banquet_Hall#:~:text=Jiangshi%3A%20Blood%20in%20the%20Banquet%20Hall%20is%20a%20tabletop%20role,who%20are%20both%20Chinese%20immigrants.
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About us:
Paco and Martin are a couple who love playing games and recording videos about them. Paco has been playing RPGs since he discovered Dragonlance in 1984 and found his love for Boardgames in 2007. He’s an avid reader and has a very keen interest in gaming and the people who make them.
Martin is a chartered surveyor who just loves media production. He is in charge of all the editing and the technology we use in our Spain-based studio.
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