The Spiel 2011 podcast is out now!

71159_310887550627_2987049_n5372432cbd216fd33e2f309f1d0bbc02This is the first of three (maybe four) podcasts that were produced from Spiel 2011 with interviews and our reactions from the show on a daily basis.

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The first show features interviews with Travis from Indie Boards & Cards and their terrific games. It was a true joy to get to know Travis and see the sales of Flash-Point: Fire Rescue rocket. Everyone is really thrilled with the game and I can’t wait to open my copy in front of the camera and do an unboxing video.

HabaLogoThe HABA booth also offered a few surprised with lovingly crafted games. Although not very well known outside Germany, I genuinely believe all children should be exposed to their lovely wooden games. They look truly terrific.

I also spoke to Justin Gary, the CEO of Gary Games and terrific mind behind Ascension: Chronicles of the God Slayer. We talk about Ascension, games, gaming, expansions, Apps and the future. Yep… that comprehensive!

AscensionLogoAscension_RoF_LogoAnd I had the immense pleasure to share my time with Michael Fox, from The Little Metal Dog Show and we talk (at length!) about our impressions on the day.

More to come soon friends!


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