Ultramodern 5 is an evolution of a game that saw the light in 2016 and that now has funded successfully in Kickstarter for a new, bigger edition with more of everything.
It promises a lot, though. Using the 5E rules as a base, it adapts them so they can be useable for Sci-fi, Western, Horror, Weird Fantasy… and all in a 400 pages full-colour book. And all that promise got me interested because, quite frankly, it is a lot to promise.
However, the initial version of this book got a Best Platinum Seller award in DriveThruRPG and it has some very good ratings and reviews, so it must be doing something right.
Chris Dias is the mind behind Dias Ex Machina Games and he seemed to know what he was talking about. A few questions into my interview, and it seems he does indeed.
Hope you enjoy the show!
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