This is the face of nightmare. (It ain’t pretty.)
The words "that witch" are too nice to describe the walking calamity that is The Mad Wench Maelgatryx. She’s a voodoo-practicing master of hexes, the booze-slinging proprietor of The Rotgut Cauldron, and a miscreant so outrageous she could make even the Khan of Nightmares blush. Whether she brings ruin to a party by unleashing a living hell of spells, or just by showing up, a few rounds with The Mad Wench Maelgatryx is sure to be an unforgettable experience.
This product provides Game Masters with details on an unruly and unpleasant character found amongst the Faces of the Tarnished Souk, ready for immediate use in any campaign – but especially for use within the Coliseum Morpheuon. Each entry features ingenious stat-blocks from multiple OGL sources, history, motivation, secrets, and insight into the NPC’s most carefully guarded dreams, along with complete game statistics for low, middle, and high levels of play.
Within you will find: The Mad Wench Maelgatryx, a vexatious voodoo villain.
- CR 20 Female rune-carved rakshasa-spawned tiefling barbarian (drunken brute) 1/witch 16
- CR 14 Female rune-carved rakshasa-spawned tiefling barbarian (drunken brute) 1/witch 10
- CR 7 Female rakshasa-spawned tiefling barbarian (drunken brute) 1/witch 5 Manjamanja, her cacodaemon familiar
- New feats for tieflings, witches, and anybody who wants a shrunken head
- A new witch’s patron, perfect for Coliseum Morpheuon
- New, unique magic items for a girl just wanting to get a head (or two)
- Rune-carved creature template
- Rules for variant tieflings
- And spells from Rite Publishing’s critically acclaimed 101 Spells series!
The Mad Wench Maelgatryx is available from: