The G*M*S Magazine Podcast RPG Edition – Woman’s Special – #21

This episode is quite special for a few reasons.

Margaret Weis portraitFirstly I wanted to have an episode with women. I believe there are a lot of women out there who’ve contributed amazingly to our hobby and they are under-represented and, most importantly, under-acknowledged. Yes, I am going political on this one!

So I went to the top and asked the best known woman in the industry. Margaret Weis.

To my surprise, the creator of Dragonlance, one of the best read and best loved settings for Dungeons & Dragons for well over twenty years, said yes and came to the podcast.

I can’t express for me how wonderful that was. Without Dragonlance I wouldn’t have got into RPGs and thus, I wouldn’t be here. For me, talking to Margaret Weis was like talking to the biggest celebrity on the planet and I had to restrain myself not to be celebrity struck!

But the podcast doesn’t end there. I also asked a legend in the making in the person of Tracy sarahdarkmagic_oHurley, better known for her blog Sarah Darkmagic.

Tracy has one of the most amazing talents for RPGs and one of the most amazing personalities you can come across. It was truly terrific to talk to her and I hope you’ll enjoy the interview.

I also talked to one of the contributors to the website, Megan Robertson. Megan has provided with a wealth of knowledge and articles to G*M*S Magazine from her own website, and I can’t thank her enough for her contribution to the site.

Also keep an ear till the end of the podcast for information on how to win a set of Rory’s Story Cubes!

Please send us your comments and your questions to We genuinely enjoy hearing from you and about you.

Hope you enjoy this show!


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